Monday, January 4, 2010

On yer marks, get set...

Reviewdle has a shiny new home (welcome!) and a shiny new mission for the shiny new year.

I go to the cinema.  A lot.  I review movies and at the end of the year tally them, just for kicks. (You're getting a unintentionally and disturbingly clear image of my personal quirks and foibles.  In person they're much more charming, trust me).  I am always disappointed when my yearly tally inevitably falls short of 100 (93 in 2008 and a shockingly disappointing 82 in 2009).  100 trips to the cinema in a year is not a goal I ever set for myself, so I probably wouldn't have noticed it had I reached it, but not achieving it (even by accident) feels like a failing.

So I'm getting organised.  This year I shall not only set the goal but also track my progress. I've also given myself a 20 movie handicap because of the Queer, Animated and Melbourne International Film Festivals. Not counting festivals it's two trips to the cinema a week.  Sounds like a walk in the park.  Let's see what it actually turns out to be, shall we?