Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vomit Zone (movie #19)

Green Zone 
Melbourne Central Hoyts, 15/03/2010
Status: Behind and holding

Dear Mr Paul Greengrass,

Thank you for your movie Green Zone, I enjoyed it immensely.  I thought it was a very tense thriller with a really interesting plot.  I liked the way your screenwriter Brian Helgeland (who did very well with Mystic River and not so well with A Knight’s Tale) used Rajiv Chandraesekaran’s non-fiction book Imperial Life in the Emerald City to add real details and political context (of the search for WMDs in the early days of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003) to the otherwise pretty straightforward action.  And good thinking to cast that Matt Damon kid, I have a feeling he’s going to be quite a big star.

But enough about that, I am writing to tell you about some recent breakthroughs in filmmaking.  They are called “camera bases” and “steadycams” and basically mean that you don’t have to have all that annoying wobbly camera work.  I think I would like your films a LOT more if they didn't make me want to vomit into my hat.  They sell these wonderful contraptions on eBay for not very much.  You could ask the studio who writes your big fat cheques to buy one for you.  You could probably go halvesies in one with Michael Mann, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have one either.

Good luck with the next film.

Yours sincerely,
