Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And then I woke up and it was all a dream (movie #48)

Melbourne Central Hoyts, 27/07/2010
Status: Behind by 19 films
I tried to see Inception on its opening night but a problem with the sound led to a problem with the projection which led to another problem with the sound which led to me seeing an unsatisfactory 45 minutes quickly followed by our money back.

I had to try again though, I am in love with at least half the cast of this film and at least one of the directors*.  Very glad I did too.

I like two kinds of blockbusters: ones that tread a well-worn path, but tread it well and ones that have never even heard of the well-worn path and go for something completely different.  Although Inception is flawed, I liked very much that it is at least a bolder and more original idea than I’ve seen for a while.  Combine great performances that sell the sometimes average writing, some great action set pieces and a multi-level climax and I’d say that’s a winner right there.  Especially once they got the sound and the projection and the sound sorted out.

*Alright, alright, there’s only one director.  I just wanted to add some mystique.