Monday, August 30, 2010

Cheer up, it’s not the end of the world (movie #74)

At World’s End 
Cinema Nova, 24/08/2010
Status: Behind by 4 (and a half) films
A BBC documentary film crew in Indonesia find a rare - purportedly magical - plant and then very quickly end up dead, murdered by Severin (KIKOLAJ COSTER-WALDAU, Kingdom of Heaven, Black Hawk Down), a Danish man who claims he’s 129 years old.  Denmark sends Adrian (NIKOLAJ LEI KAAS, The Green Butchers), a twitchy and uptight psychiatrist, and his assistant Beate (BRIGITTE HJORT SORENSEN) to pronounce Severin insane so he won’t be put to death under Indonesian law.  Things then get very silly indeed (and quite violent) as Adrian, Severin and plucky, long-suffering Beate are soon on the run both from the Indonesian army and a group of thugs (lead by STEVEN BERKOFF who overplays his underwritten part outrageously) on the path of the plant that everyone wants to get their hands on. 

At World’s End is not sure whether it’s a comedy or an action flick or what.  It should have ticked a few boxes for me (it is Danish, after all) but it really failed to come together in any satisfying way.  It moved too slowly at the start and then too sillily for the rest.