Friday, October 22, 2010

Yawn. (#91)

Eat. Pray. Love.  
Cinema Nova, 18/10/2010
Status: Behind by 6 films
A personal quest of self-discovery is an admirable thing.  But there’s a reason they use the words “personal” and “self” to describe it - because it’s boring as crap to everyone else.  Eat, Pray, Love is adapted from the bestselling memoir of Elizabeth Gilbert, in which she has mid-life crisis and spends a year travelling in search of herself, and which every book-club in the country seems to have read.

JULIA ROBERTS plays Gilbert and, oddly, exactly the same character she did in 1999’s Runaway Bride - a woman who jumps from relationship to relationship and then has to learn to love herself for herself and who does … but just in time to fall in love with someone new at the end.  In this case, with JAVIER BARDEM, who did not play the same character as he did in 2007s No Country For Old Men, although that would have at least made for interesting viewing