Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A moral wasteland* set in a desert. And not nearly enough ‘splosions (movie #40)

Sex and the City 2  
Cinema Nova, 05/07/2010
Status: Behind by 20 films
A review or two ago, I dismissed Sex and the City 2 as awful without having seen it.  I felt this may not have been fair - the droves upon hoards of women who loved it couldn’t all be wrong, could they?  I can now attest that it is not merely awful, it is poisonous. Films this smugly vacuous, this blindly patriotic (for American arrogance), this mangle-y of Feminist philosophy, this culturally offensive, this morally empty* and this badly written diminish us all.

I’m not even going to bother recounting the “plot”, I just don’t hate myself enough to do it.  Repugnantly self-absorbed rich women wear ridiculous clothes in the Middle Eastern desert (see picture above).  That's pretty much it.

Not understanding just what the crap anyone could enjoy about this steaming pile of awfulness, a friend told me it was all about escapism.  I prefer escapism that doesn’t wilfully misunderstand other cultures and seminal socio-cultural movements.  I also like it when there are ‘splosions.  A couple of those would have improved Sex and the City 2 enourmously.

* I’m not talking about religious morality here, just so you know, I’m all for the idea they’re trying to get across that modern families and marriages come in all shapes and sizes and that the old Christian/conservative ideas are well and truly out the window.  What I’m talking about is a basic and fundamental respect for your fellow human being.  Sorely, sorely lacking.