Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Same toys, same story (movie #39)

Toy Story 3  
Cinema Nova, 04/07/2010
Status: Behind by 21 films
If you’ve seen the first two Toy Stories you know exactly what  to expect of installment #3.  Woody, Buzz and the crew have a crisis of faith in Andy, their owner, and themselves which leads to adventure and ultimate redemption.  While #1 and #2 where exceptional examples not only of animated film, but of story-telling, Toy Story 3 is to its franchise as matter is to the Universe: nothing is added, but neither is anything taken away.

When Andy leaves home for college, something must become of the toys languishing in a chest in his room.  After a slow start as Andy figures out what to do and the toys endlessly discuss their future, everyone ends up at a kindergarten where all is not what it seems.

The voice acting, animation, action and gags are, as ever, first rate.  But this installment of the story slips further into sentimentality than its predecessors and the writing (from MICHAEL ARNDT, Little Miss Sunshine) drags its feet in the first and final acts.

It’s good, but I’m just not sure it was necessary.