Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You’re desssspicable (movie #85)

Despicable Me  
Russell street Greater Union, 28/09/2010
Status: Behind by 5 films
I see that they’re releasing the next Harry Potter movie in 3D.  And I ask, in a loud, plaintive wail “WHYYYYYYYYYY?”.  My long- and firmly-held suspicions that 3D adds bupkiss were confirmed when I saw Despicable Me in plain old 2D and wasn't distracted by those stupid glasses (bless the crusty old CBD Greater Union for being so out of date that they don’t have 3D projectors).

STEVE CARELL voices Gru, a Mr. Bean/Jacque Tati-looking super-villain struggling to keep up with a young upstart super-villain (Vector, voiced by JASON SEGEL, Knocked Up) as he plans his greatest crime yet.  His assistants (a geriatric evil scientist and a mass of little yellow minion-creatures) aren’t getting the job done, though, so he enlists three young (and unwitting) girls by adopting them.  Hilarity and adorableness ensue.

The voice acting is energetic and the script is tight which allows it to go exactly where you’d expect but with plenty of well-cut action and throw-away sight gags and without wallowing in over-sentimentality when Gru’s heart eventually, inevitably melts.  A bunch of critics have said that this film is fine, but it ain’t no Pixar movie.  To them, I say that Pixar don’t poop gold and that Despicable Me is a heap of fun just the way it is (especially in 2D).